2023 Marva Walting
2022 Lorie Bonavita
2021 Cate Duquette
2020 Tina Windoloski
2019 Maria Ardolino
2018 Ann Matthews
2017 Val Boudreau
2016 Julie Russell
2015 Susan Medeiros
2014 Maria Paolucci
2013 Megan Weiss
2012 Diane Weston
2011 Sara Lloyd
2010 Lisa Vartanian
2009 Martha Ross
2008 Jocelyn Roy
2007 Susan Medeiros
2006 Maureen Denault
2005 Brenda Willard
2004 Margaret O’Donnell
2003 Jillmarie DeCarolis
2002 Sharon Lopata
2001 Lisa McDiarmid
2000 Jen Nowak
1999 Krista Hanson
1998 Darleen Marconi
1997 Deb Burnett
1996 Katy Reed
1995 Tammey Guihan
1994 Kathy Fuss
1993 Deb Artell
1992 Lori McLaughlin
1991 Marsha Gaudette
1990 Maureen McCarthy
1989 Nancy Truesdale
1988 Helene Trombely
1987 Martha Pellegrini
1986 Janie Tenczar
1985 Jean Perkins
1984 Linda Kelly
1983 Beth Fitzgerald
* Exceeds membership expectations as well as her role within club
* Almost always says “yes” to help achieve our club’s goals
* Takes on roles both as follower and leader, a team player
* Represents our club in the most positive light
* Promotes the club and its activities
* Is not always in the spotlight, but is consistently engaged in our club’s activities
* Is a standout club member in many ways, always representing the club in a good light and promoting the club and its activities.