Summer Concerts at Fountain Park
We support the Wilbraham Nature and Cultural Center by supplying and staffing the Snack Shack at the Summer Concerts.
Concerts are 6:30 - 8:00 on Thursday nights. Visit for more information
First Thursday of the month* at 7:00pm
We read both fiction and non-fiction books. In the summer club members suggest books and then vote on the selection for the year.
*Book Club night is sometimes moved to the second Thursday, please check our calendar.
Read Across America - March 1, 2024
On Friday, March 1, 2024 we read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss in fourteen classrooms at the Mile Tree School.
We award a scholarship to a Minnechaug High School graduating senior who best exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism.
We donate a children's book to the library whenever one of our members has a baby or grandbaby.
We are currently collecting Collecting prescription pill bottles for recycling/reuse at the TJ O'Connor animal shelter.
In February 2024 we send 13 lbs. 6.6 oz of greeting cards to St. Jude Ranch for Children to be reused in their fundraising efforts.
GFWC Juniors' Special Program
We made masks for special needs students. The masks were attached to lanyards so the children wouldn't lose them at recess!
After learning of the need for soap and shampoo for students experiencing transition due to crises, members collected hygiene items and sewed cloth bags to make portable kits. Each kit contains travel size soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste and a comb. Kits are distributed by middle school nurses to students reporting a need.
GFWC Signature Program
We are working with local organizations to apply for grants to support their efforts to address domestic and sexual violence.
We are also working with GFWC Massachusetts to raise money to support the grant program.
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